The name of the company, ONE & UNC TECH, is a compound consisting of three inferred words meaning individually and collectively our commitment to customers. One refers to paramount, or ordinal meaning of number one (as in ‘No.1’), U means ‘you’, the customers, N represents ‘and (&)’, and C denotes ‘creation’. All inference is gathered to form We paramountly value and create what customers need.
As the name stands for, we have actively invested our resources not only to facilitate research and development (R&D) but also to adjust ourselves to identify what the global market and the customers need, thereby manufacturing innovative products as well as enhancement of product quality. Through a number of satisfying products, such as ISO9001 & 14001(2015G), S-Mark, UL, ExnA, NEPSI, ASME(Intel), and SSQ(SEMES), we will keep our promise to valuable customers and the world. Thank you.